
Area 1 Offices

All offices are open Monday thru Friday except state holidays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EDT) or 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) depending upon the county.

Map of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Offices in Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Suwannee, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington counties

Unit 1: Escambia, Santa Rosa
1B: Escambia
600 University Office Blvd., Bldg. 2
Pensacola 32504-6475
Phone: 850-494-7200
Fax: 850-494-7227
Vacant, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 1B Pensacola Directions

1C: Escambia
600 University Office Blvd., Bldg. 6
Pensacola 32504-6251
Phone: 850-471-6950
Fax: 850-471-6958
Kimberly Pough, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 1C Pensacola Directions

VR Administrative Office
600 University Office Blvd., Bldg. 5
Pensacola 32504-6251
Phone: 850-494-7152
Fax: 850-494-7158
Diane Jackson, Area Supervisor
Keith Sutton, Area Supervisor
Google Map IconArea 1 Administrative Office Pensacola Directions

1D: Escambia
600 University Office Blvd., Bldg. 5
Pensacola 32504
Phone: 850-316-2100
Fax: 850-494-7158
Valerie Clark, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 1D Pensacola Directions

1DA: Santa Rosa
4634 Summerdale Blvd.
Pace 32571
Phone: 850-983-5340
Fax: 850-995-3654
Valerie Clark, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 1DA Pace Directions

Unit 2: Okaloosa, Walton
2A: Okaloosa and Walton
119 Beal Pkwy S.W. , Suite 101
Fort Walton Beach 32548-5386
Phone: 850-833-9114
Fax: 850-833-9278
Cheryl Pedone, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 2A Fort Walton Beach Directions

2AC: Okaloosa
728 Ferdon Blvd. N., Suite 2
Crestview 32536
Phone: 850-603-6230
Fax: 850-689-7131
Cheryl Pedone, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 2AC Crestview Directions

Unit 3: Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Washington
4357 Lafayette St., Suite 202
Marianna 32446
Phone: 850-482-9600
Fax: 850-482-9412
Darlene Boykin, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 3 Marianna Directions

Unit 4: Bay, Franklin and Gulf
2505 W. 15th St., Suite B
Panama City 32401
Phone: 850-872-4380
Fax: 850-872-7756
Derrick Henderson, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 4 Panama City Directions

Unit 5: Gadsden, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Madison, Suwanee, Taylor, Wakulla
5B and 5C: Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Taylor, Wakulla
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., 3rd Floor
Tallahassee 32399
Phone: 850-245-3440
Fax: 850-245-3436 and 850-245-3465
Priscilla Lyons, Supervisor 5B
Melissa Logan, Supervisor 5C
Google Map IconUnit 5B and 5C Tallahassee Directions

5CA: Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee
100 Court St. SE, Suite 108
Live Oak 32064
Phone: 386-362-5461
Fax: 386-364-1342
Melissa Logan, Supervisor
Google Map IconUnit 5CA Live Oak Directions

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VR Ombudsman Office

850-245-3399 and 800-451-4327
TTY users dial 711 to connect with the TRS
Video phone users through VRS

Area Director Vacant at 850-494-7152
Area Supervisors Diane Jackson: Units 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A and Keith Sutton: 3A, 4A, 5A, 5B, 5C